Do you have any questions?

Feel free to contact us.

Project Leader

Jonas Schou Neergaard-Nielsen

Contact Jonas for scientific and technical inquiries, as well as for information on project activities and deliverables.

Project Coordinator

Ulrik Lund Andersen

Contact Ulrik for inquiries regarding overall project direction and strategy.

Project Manager

Tobias Junicke

Contact Tobias for administrative matters, website content, and coordination among partners.

General Assembly 2024 in Neuchâtel

The second General Assembly meeting was hosted at Hôtel Alpes et Lac, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, on January 25th - 26th, 2024. The two-day event boasted a dynamic program filled with stimulating discussions and comprehensive project updates.

General Assembly 2023 in Lyngby

The first General Assembly meeting was hosted at DTU on September 4th - 5th, 2023. The two-day event boasted a dynamic program filled with stimulating discussions and comprehensive project updates.

Project kick-off

The CLUSTEC consortium kicked off the project with engaging presentations and workshops, setting the stage for a successful journey ahead.