
The CLUSTEC consortium combines unique expertise in both theoretical and experimental aspects of cluster state technology. With partners from Germany, France, Switzerland, Czech Republic, and Denmark, the project brings together leading researchers and industry partners to drive significant advancements in the field.

Technical University of Denmark
Shortname: DTU
Role: Project coordinator
Country: Denmark

DTU is a world-leader in measurement-based CV photonics quantum computing.

Palacký University Olomouc
Shortname: UP
Role: Project partner
Country: Czech Republic

UP has developed numerous first-ever practical CV quantum information protocols that have been implemented in photonics systems.

Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Shortname: UHEI
Role: Project partner
Country: Germany

UHEI is among the leading groups on integrated nano-photonics and one of the few European groups that have perfected the fabrication of LNoI.

Shortname: QANT
Role: Project partner
Country: Germany

QANT is an SME engineering quantum information technologies with a strong focus on commercializing components for optical quantum computing.

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Shortname: UM
Role: Project partner
Country: Germany

UM has been a central player in developing the concept of CV cluster states and its application in quantum computing.

University of Southern Denmark
Shortname: SDU
Role: Project partner
Country: Denmark

SDU is among the world-leaders in quantum mathematics with a particular focus on topological systems

Sorbonne Université
Shortname: SU
Role: Project partner
Country: France

SU has developed key CV quantum information algorithms based on cluster states and has a strong background in quantum advantage certification.

Centre Suisse d'Électronique et de Microtechnique
Shortname: CSEM
Role: Project partner
Country: Switzerland

CSEM has extensive experience in photonic system integration and prototyping and is developing the first world-wide open access foundry for LNoI aiming at large-scale integration.

General Assembly 2024 in Neuchâtel

The second General Assembly meeting was hosted at Hôtel Alpes et Lac, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, on January 25th - 26th, 2024. The two-day event boasted a dynamic program filled with stimulating discussions and comprehensive project updates.

General Assembly 2023 in Lyngby

The first General Assembly meeting was hosted at DTU on September 4th - 5th, 2023. The two-day event boasted a dynamic program filled with stimulating discussions and comprehensive project updates.

Project kick-off

The CLUSTEC consortium kicked off the project with engaging presentations and workshops, setting the stage for a successful journey ahead.