Concept and approach

CLUSTEC envisions a radically new path for scalable quantum computing and quantum networking based on CV cluster state protocols, concepts and technologies.

Three strategic pillars

CLUSTEC will generate tailored CV cluster states, utilizing advanced technologies such as high-efficiency fiber optics and the promising Lithium-Niobate-on-Insulator (LNoI) platform for photonics-integrated circuits (PIC). These cluster states, comprising thousands or even millions of nodes, will be manipulated with deterministic precision. Our research will delve deeply into the scalability, fault-tolerance, and universality of these platforms. Through theoretical analyses and experimental investigations, we aim to explore measurement-induced CV quantum computing and networking models.

Near-term quantum sampling algorithms with real-life applications and proven quantum advantage

Universal, fault-tolerant quantum computing based on novel quantum error-correcting codes

Networking protocols for the coherent coupling of quantum computational modules and for distributed quantum applications

Four objectives

CLUSTEC has established four primary objectives aimed at tackling critical challenges and realizing substantial advancements in near-term CV quantum computing with practical applications. Concurrently, we seek to make significant progress towards fault-tolerant quantum computing and networking.

Development of experimental platforms for CV cluster state generation based on fiber optics and LNoI

Theoretical and experimental exploration of CV cluster states of different network topologies to understand the role of the entanglement structure for practical quantum technologies

Development and execution of quantum protocols and near-term quantum algorithms with a certified quantum advantage using CV cluster states

Exploration of new quantum error correction schemes towards fault-tolerant CV cluster state quantum computing and networking

Seven work packages

CLUSTEC is structured into seven work packages (WP). Led by partners with specialized expertise and infrastructure, these WPs ensure optimal support for their respective tasks. WP2 and WP5 focus on theoretical advancements, with WP2 emphasizing fundamental understanding and WP5 focusing on practical applications. WP3 and WP4 focus on experimental component and platform development. WP6 integrates theoretical advancements into the experimental platform. WP7 is dedicated to disseminating results and WP1 implements the project's overall management structure.

Project Management (WP Leader: DTU)

Topological entanglement structures and measurement induced operations (WP Leader: UP)

Fiber-optic platform (WP Leader: DTU)

Integrated photonics platform (WP Leader: UHEI)

Theoretical development of quantum algorithms and protocols (WP Leader: SU)

Experimental implementation of quantum algorithms and protocols (WP Leader: DTU)

Dissemination, exploitation and communication (WP Leader: QANT)

General Assembly 2024 in Neuchâtel

The second General Assembly meeting was hosted at Hôtel Alpes et Lac, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, on January 25th - 26th, 2024. The two-day event boasted a dynamic program filled with stimulating discussions and comprehensive project updates.

General Assembly 2023 in Lyngby

The first General Assembly meeting was hosted at DTU on September 4th - 5th, 2023. The two-day event boasted a dynamic program filled with stimulating discussions and comprehensive project updates.

Project kick-off

The CLUSTEC consortium kicked off the project with engaging presentations and workshops, setting the stage for a successful journey ahead.